
Population Characteristics

In 2017, the median age of all people in Des Moines, WA was 40. The highest age distribution is between 45-49 years old, followed by 25-29 year olds.

Race & Ethnicity

The following bar chart shows 7 races and ethnicities represented in Des Moines, WA as a share of the total population. The most represented race in Des Moines, WA is white.


As of 2017, 85% of the population in Des Moines, WA had graduated from high school, while 25% had attained a bachelors degree or higher. For year 2017, the majority of the population 3 years and older were enrolled in elementary school (1st – 8th grade), followed by high school then college.

Global Diversity

This chart identifies the most common birthplace for the foreign-born residents residing within Des Moines, WA. In 2017, the most common birthplace for the foreign-born residents of Des Moines, WA was in the region of Asia, followed by Latin America.

Commuter Transportation

This graph shows the most commonly used mode of transportation within Des Moines, WA and the average commute time. In 2017, the most common method of travel for workers in Des Moines, WA was driving alone.

Health Care Coverage

The following visualization shows health insurance coverage for residents in Des Moines, WA. In 2017, 87% of the population had health insurance, with the majority having private health coverage.

Household Characteristics

In 2017 there were a total of 12 thousand households in Des Moines, WA with an average family size of 3 people per household. In 2017 there were more homeowners than renters with 58% of the housing units in Des Moines, WA being owner occupied.